34 Week Visit

On January 20th we were at 34 weeks. Wow, only six more weeks until Baby Brown arrives. We also had an ultrasound at this visit in order to see how Brown is progressing.

Unfortunately, I was having a terrible time during the ultrasound. I started getting hot flashes and felt sick to my stomach. What made it worse was that I had on a huge turtleneck sweater that just seemed to be engulfing me. I really wanted to just jump off the table. However, I made it through the ultrasound and received great news from the Tech that everything is okay. Once she left the room I told JB how sick I felt. He then asked the nurse if this was common or if we should be alarmed. She informed us that with Brown getting bigger and trying to move around this would be common. I had not felt like this before and thankfully it only lasted for a short time.

We saw Dr. Clinton shortly after and she informed us that Brown was already at seven pounds. Okay, not bad I thought to myself. She then continued to tell us that he will gain a 1/2 pound (on the average) per week. Thus, if I go to my due date of March 2nd, he will most likely be a nine pound baby or more. NINE POUNDS is not the same as seven. Dr. Clinton told me not to worry. I thought about my cousin Liz who had Oliver in November (a ten pound baby) and thought if she could do it, then I most certainly could. I am not going to worry about it right now.

So, we shall see what happens at the February 3rd visit. ;)

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