March 7th

This evening I started to feel what I would consider contractions and back labor - at least that is what my book says. ;) However, the contractions are so erratic (every one to two hours). May be I will go into labor on my own and will not have to be induced. I am not worried about the pain, it is the unknown that has me nervous.

March 8th officially starts my maternity leave. Tomorrow will be a day of rest and waiting for midnight to arrive. My parents are planning on being here in the afternoon and are going to the hospital with us for inducing. It is nice to know that my mom will be close if I need her.

March 8th is my final Dr.'s appointment with Dr. Clinton regarding this pregnancy. I have to admit - I am glad to be done with the weekly appointments. ;)

Stay tuned . . .

March 2nd = Due Date

March 2nd was our 40 week appointment with Dr. Clinton. We headed to the Dr.'s office with my bag and the diaper bag in hand just in case we were sent directly to the hospital. Originally we were told that we would not go four days past our due date, so worse case would be that I would be induced on Friday.

Our visit was short and to the point with Dr. Clinton. Unfortunately, we did not receive the news we were hoping for. Dr. Clinton informed me that I would have go 41 weeks and 4 days before she would recommend inducing me. At this point, what is a few more days?

So, here I am back at work as we continue the waiting game. To be honest with you - I am ready for Baby Brown to come. With that said, Monday evening (at midnight) I will be induced at Northwestern Hospital. Baby Brown will be here one way or another or March 9th.

Where is Brown?

Sunday, February 28th

I was hoping that Brown would be here this weekend. I thought this would be perfect timing - I would have him on Sunday and then my maternity leave would start on Monday, March 1st. I know that I have no control over this, but a girl can hope, right?

Today was a great day. JB and I went to church, exchanged a few baby items at the stores and took a nice long walk around the neighborhood. It was cold out, but nice to be out in the fresh air.

It looks like I will be head to work on Monday.

Saturday - Feb. 27th

On Saturday (February 27th) I spent the day organizing and getting myself prepared for Brown's arrival - AGAIN. I woke up early and cleaned the kitchen, bathrooms, bedrooms, washed and folded clothes, mopped, and the list goes on. Everything was done and there was nothing else to clean. I looked at the clock and was shocked to see that it was only noon. I thought for sure that it was at least two or later. Great, now what do I do for the rest of the day?

So, I made lunch and was sucked into an MTV show entitled "16 and Pregnant." After watching T.V. I then decided to read more of my parenting books and "What to Expect the First Year." The day seemed to drag on as I looked for things to do. I went into the nursery and inspected the shelves that were previously hung up and thought one just wasn't right. Therefore, I pulled the shelves out and rehung everything. What else could I do in the nursery? Everything was washed and folded - we just need Brown.

I then decided to make chicken parmigiana for dinner. It turned out great and thankfully helped passed the time.

The countdown continues . . .