Money in the Bank

September 12, 2010

For Liam's half birthday, JB gave him $25.00 in coin to put into his piggy bank. Below are the pictures of JB assisting Liam with dropping the dollar coins into the bank. After a while, Liam got the hang of things. :)

Happy 1/2 Birthday Little Man!

Let Dad show you how to do it first.
Now your turn Liam.
Let's try again.
Yeah, you did it with a little help from Dad.
All done.

Bedtime Stories

September 1, 2010

Part of our nightly routine is to read a couple of stories before bed. I love spending this time with Liam and see his eyes wonder over each page. Currently our favorite books are:

Yummy Yucky (board book)

Yummy Yucky by Leslie Patricelli

This book is fantastic - Thanks Steph. Liam loves it as well as my two year old nephew, Carson. In fact, I read this book to them both so many times that I had to add new people into the mix. For example, "Mama's cookies are yummy, Papa's coffee is yucky." Boy do they get a kick out of it. ;)

We are also reading:

Mr. Brown can moo! Can you?: Dr. Seuss's book of wonderful noises [Book]

Clever Mrs. Ritzler with the title - Mr. Brown. When reading this book I always tell Liam, that he can do x, y and z since he is also Mr. Brown.

Not to toot my own horn, but I think Liam really enjoys "Ten Little Ladybugs" with my sing song voice. ;) We have fun reading this book as he tries to grab the ladybugs. Another great addition to our library - thanks Kelly.

Ten Little Ladybugs

I love bedtime stories and enjoy the time with Liam. It is amazing to see his eyes and fingers meander over the pages of each book. Oh, these are the memories that I will cherish forever.