First Walk

May 10, 2010

Today, I decided to go for a walk with Liam. It was finally a great day outside and we needed to get out of this apartment. So, I gathered a few items I would need for Liam, a bottle of water for myself and began the journey down the three flights of stairs. As you can imagine, this took me more than a few mins. since I had to take the stroller and Liam in his car seat down 10 steps at a time.

Finally, we made it and what a great day to be out. We were on a walk for over an hour when I realized that I needed to head back soon. It was almost time for Liam to eat and I did not bring a bottle. I wish I could say the trip upstairs went as smooth as it did downstairs. Unfortunately, when you have a hungry little man and no bottle, you are going to run into trouble. This was my fault - sorry Liam. Enjoy the pictures from the walk. We enjoyed the west loop walk.

Visit to Mama and Papa's House

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Today Liam and I took are second train ride into Indiana. This was a quick visit into town and Liam was able to spend the afternoon with his cousin Carson. What a blast these two had together and my parents were in heaven with the two there.

Carson read to Liam, danced for Liam and was really Liam's source of entertainment for the day. You can see how happy Liam is below. Thanks Carson for keeping Liam entertained. ;)

Liam Learns to Pay Music

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Today Liam and I were in the kitchen cleaning up a few things. In order for me to be productive, I sit Liam in his chair to keep him entertained. He typically will only stay in the chair for 15 - 30 minutes at a time. If I dance around and sing to him I can get a solid 30 mins. easy.

Well, today Liam was sitting in his chair as I buzzed around the kitchen. I went to throw some trash away when I heard music playing. I quickly came around the corner to see my little man in his chair with a smile. He did it - he pulled the cord to start the music all on his own. I cannot tell you how proud I was of him and this is all before three months. What a smarty. ;)

Visit from the Cooley's

Friday, May 28, 2010

What a great way to start the weekend. We had a visit from the Cooley crew this morning. Ryan and Colvin are just adorable. It is amazing how quickly children grow. I attempted to try and get a picture of the kids together, but Ryan was not into having his photo taken. ;)

Lucky break in getting a pic of all three kids. ;)
I am still a lady's man Colvin even with my drool.
Colvin and Liam looking at Sharis.I think Colvin likes you Liam. Of course that is only when her Mommy is not holding you. ;)
Sharis and the kids. Love that smile Ryan.

Thanks for the visit Cooley's. We miss you guys already.