On Friday (12.18.09) I had my monthly Dr.'s apt. This time I was also meeting another Dr. within the practice. Apparently this is standard in order to put mothers at ease in case your regular Dr. is unavailable to deliver at the time of birth. I was a little nervous, but after meeting Dr. Kelsey I immediately felt reassured.

So, what is new with Brown? He has been really moving. It truly is amazing to feel those jabs and brings a smile to my face. Although, sometimes those jabs do catch me off guard. According to Dr. Kelsey, Baby Brown is growing at the expected rate thus far.

JB and I are going to be taking a couple of classes at the hospital in January to prepare for his arrival (infant CPR, vaccination class, etc.). Unfortunately, we are unable to take a hospital tour due to the H1N1 virus. It makes sense, but I think this makes JB nervous. He is already talking about mapping out the fastest route to the hospital - which is funny since I think anyway you go it is 10 to 15 mins. ;) He says he needs to be prepared for my parents since they are typically not great with directions (sorry Mom and Dad), but I have been reassuring him that they will have no problem getting to the hospital with their GPS.

Calling All Mothers, Fathers and Grandparents

At this point I feel so overwhelmed with consumer reports, parental reviews, etc. on baby items. So, I thought that I would ask your opinion on what baby products you would recommend, were useful or not even needed. I know that each baby is different, but I would love to hear your thoughts.