On Friday (12.18.09) I had my monthly Dr.'s apt. This time I was also meeting another Dr. within the practice. Apparently this is standard in order to put mothers at ease in case your regular Dr. is unavailable to deliver at the time of birth. I was a little nervous, but after meeting Dr. Kelsey I immediately felt reassured.

So, what is new with Brown? He has been really moving. It truly is amazing to feel those jabs and brings a smile to my face. Although, sometimes those jabs do catch me off guard. According to Dr. Kelsey, Baby Brown is growing at the expected rate thus far.

JB and I are going to be taking a couple of classes at the hospital in January to prepare for his arrival (infant CPR, vaccination class, etc.). Unfortunately, we are unable to take a hospital tour due to the H1N1 virus. It makes sense, but I think this makes JB nervous. He is already talking about mapping out the fastest route to the hospital - which is funny since I think anyway you go it is 10 to 15 mins. ;) He says he needs to be prepared for my parents since they are typically not great with directions (sorry Mom and Dad), but I have been reassuring him that they will have no problem getting to the hospital with their GPS.

Calling All Mothers, Fathers and Grandparents

At this point I feel so overwhelmed with consumer reports, parental reviews, etc. on baby items. So, I thought that I would ask your opinion on what baby products you would recommend, were useful or not even needed. I know that each baby is different, but I would love to hear your thoughts.

Goodnight Little Man

Lately the nights have been difficult for me as far as sleeping goes. I usually sleep on my stomach and obviously this nightly routine has changed with Baby Brown. The only way that I can get comfortable is sleeping on my right side. Last week a friend of mine informed me that I should not be sleeping on the right side. Of course I freaked out and thought I had caused harm to Brown.

I still have three months to go and everyone says sleep as much as you can now. I am trying to sleep as much as possible, but it has been hard to get comfortable. I feel that I need the entire bed to myself with all of the pillows and tossing and turning I do. Sorry JB. ;)

Thankfully, I had two Dr.'s apts. today and when Dr. Clinton asked if I had any questions I immediately asked about the left vs. the right side. Lucky for me I was informed either side would be fine. I cannot wait to go to sleep tonight reassured that I am not hurting Brown.

The Big Reveal

As I previously mentioned, JB and I were able to find out the sex of Baby Brown on October 14th. What an exciting morning for the Browns!!!!!

We arrived to Dr. Clinton's Office full of anticipation with our own guess regarding the sex of Baby Brown. I had one dream throughout the pregnancy thus far and in that dream the baby was a boy. I don't know if that means anything, but that was my guess. JB switched his guess the morning of to girl. So, here we are waiting patiently for our name to be called. I was so nervous sitting there and prayed the baby would be healthy regardless of the sex. I asked JB if he was nervous - "No, not at all."

Finally, our name was called and we headed into the ultrasound room. We were prepared with our video camera when the machine turned on. Unfortunately, JB was informed that we could not take any pictures or video of the ultrasound. "Don't you worry Mr. Brown - I will provide you with many ultrasound pictures," responded the technician. With that said, the exam began.

Baby Brown was not very cooperative. In fact, the technician indicated that Baby Brown was very strong willed and stubborn since he/she would not allow us to see his/her face. In addition to covering the face, Baby Brown had his/her legs crossed. JB thought his prediction was correct at this point. "This must be a girl!" he exclaimed. "Look at how modest this baby is," he said. The exam continued and we were unable to see the face or find out the sex of the baby. Good night, are we going to have to come back? Then as if a light bulb went off, JB said that I should sit up to get Baby Brown moving. The next thing I know the technician was agreeing with him. Over the next ten mins. they had me sitting up, moving from one side to the other, back to laying down, etc. "Seriously, we will just have to come back," I thought. Not to mention the goo (I cannot recall the actual name at the moment) that they put on your stomach to perform the ultrasound was getting all over the place. This was starting to make me very uncomfortable. I hate the feeling of something on me that I am unable to wash off immediately.

As the exam continued, Baby Brown uncrossed his/her legs. Finally - the big reveal. The technician confirmed that we wanted to know the sex of the baby. We both said yes.

Tech: "Congratulations, Baby Brown is a Boy!!!"
JB: "Are you sure? How can you tell? This was one modest baby. May be that is the umbilical cord."
Tech: "Mr. Brown, look right here. Do you not see a pee-pee? This is not the umbilical cord."

I had to laugh when the Tech zoomed in to circle the male parts and then wrote BOY!! on the monitor. At that point JB agreed it was not the umbilical cord. Poor kid already having is manhood tested. ;) We had 100 or more different pictures taken of Brown throughout the exam and received about 12 different photos when we left. In addition, to determining the sex of Baby Brown, we were informed that he is developing well. What a great day!!

So, did you guess correctly?

The Big Question

The big question - are we going to find out the sex of the baby? This has been the question of many family members (aka my mom) and friends.

Originally, I did not want to find out the sex of the baby. Why? Is there really a good reason? Since JB is not a fan of surprises (good or bad), he wanted to find out prior to March 2nd. After discussing each of our viewpoints, we agreed to find out the sex of Baby Brown at our 20 week apt. The big reveal date - October 14th.

Everyone is placing their bets and my Grandma is still hoping for twins!!!! What do you think - blue or pink?

Extra, Extra - read all about it!!

We are almost at the 1/2 way mark to March 2, 2010 when Baby Brown will make his/her debut. JB and I are thrilled and cannot wait for Brown's arrival. ;)

The first trimester has flown by without any complications, sickness or any other pregnancy woes that many women endure. I am one lucky gal thus far! I have not had any major food cravings nor have I sent JB on a food run at any point in the night. Of course, this could all change. I have to admit the one thing that sent me over the top the first trimester was fried chicken. I know you are thinking poor JB, but really it was only one night. Not to mention I found out he was fulfilling his craving over lunch. ;)

So far the pregnancy is going well. Yes, there have been a couple of days when I have felt tired and food just does not sound good to me, but overall I cannot complain. Seriously, if these are the only symptoms to endure, I will gladly accept them.

In the meantime, we hope that "Meet the Browns" helps you stay connected with the laughter, love and stories that JB and I experience as we await the arrival of Baby Brown.