First Walk

May 10, 2010

Today, I decided to go for a walk with Liam. It was finally a great day outside and we needed to get out of this apartment. So, I gathered a few items I would need for Liam, a bottle of water for myself and began the journey down the three flights of stairs. As you can imagine, this took me more than a few mins. since I had to take the stroller and Liam in his car seat down 10 steps at a time.

Finally, we made it and what a great day to be out. We were on a walk for over an hour when I realized that I needed to head back soon. It was almost time for Liam to eat and I did not bring a bottle. I wish I could say the trip upstairs went as smooth as it did downstairs. Unfortunately, when you have a hungry little man and no bottle, you are going to run into trouble. This was my fault - sorry Liam. Enjoy the pictures from the walk. We enjoyed the west loop walk.

1 comment:

  1. Les he is looking so so cute! I love all the new faces :)

    xxoo - Sarah
