FIVE Months

August 9, 2010

Five months - where has the time gone?

This month has been filled of new adventures with Liam. We begin with Liam mastering the art of sitting by himself. We are so proud of him! I love to sit and watch him as he allows himself to fall backwards and hit the floor padded with soft pillows and fuzzy blankets. A huge smile crosses his face as he lies there looking up at the ceiling and then rolls to one side. It is if he is in his own world when my laugh interrupts his thoughts. It's the small things that bring such joy.

Here are a few pictures of Liam sitting alone.

This is such a better view.
Look at me Mom!
This looks good.
Let's play.

Some of the other milestones that Liam has reached this past month are:

1. Holding head steady when upright
2. Able to raise his chest supported by his arms when lying on stomach
3. Squeal in delight, which usually starts early in the morning
4. Reach and grasp for objects - Liam can also move an object from one hand to the other with ease
5. Smile spontaneously - the best way to start the day
6. Smile back when JB or I smile at him
7. Babble, combining vowels and consonants

We have not mastered rolling over yet. Currently, Liam will roll to one side and then get stuck. He is not sure how to move his arms or even the rest of his body to the other side. He is not crawling, but will lay on his stomach and scoot his way around the floor. We hope to see crawling in the near future.

Although Liam is not crawling, he is standing. He loves to stand on my lap (really on the lap of anyone) and sway from side to side or attempt to pick up his feet very fast. We just started - lean to the left, lean to the right, now rock with me. I will try and get this on video. He loves the rock with me part. ;)

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