Four Months

July 9, 2010

Oh my goodness - Liam is four months. I cannot believe where the time has gone. We have our four month check-up with Dr. T on the 12th of July, so I will be able to provide a further update then.

Just a few things that are going on in Liam's world:

Currently, he is taking 4 - 6 ozs. of formula with a small amount of rice cereal. Typically he takes a 4 oz. bottle every three hours, but there have been times that he takes a 6 oz. bottle. Of course if he takes a 6 oz bottle, then he goes longer than three hours between feedings.

We also add his reflux medicine to the bottle. This is a little tip that my friend Robin shared with me that works well for Liam. He does not like taking the medicine by itself and tries to spit it out. So, this is a good way to "sneak" it into his system.

Liam loves to play. We are up around six almost every morning with a feeding and then shortly after we begin play time. After time in his chair - spent talking and pulling at the various toys that hang in front of him - we move to the gym (i.e. play mat). He loves to try and pull the purple elephant down or put the trunk of the elephant in his mouth. ;) Liam also started kicking his feet up at the toys. In the midst of kicking at the hanging toys he tends to roll over. This is not a full roll over yet (I don't think). It all happens so quickly since he immediately rolls himself onto his back. I will have to get this on video.

At first Liam was not a big fan of the swing. However, over the past month he is really starting to like it. He has only fell asleep in the swing once. Otherwise, he is trying to move the toys from one side to another. Unfortunately, I am not sure how long he will be able to enjoy the swing since his feet are already at the edge.

Liam also loves to look at anything and everything. For example, he loves the decals that we have on the wall over the changing table/dresser. He could spend hours, well, may not that long looking at the colors and images. In addition, he loves the airplane mobile and other toys we have for him. Liam also loves to look at the pictures in the books I read to him. I love this moment with him on my lap cuddled up with me as I read various stories.

Unfortunately, we are not sleeping through the night yet, but that is okay. Typically he sleeps three to four hours at a time. There have been occasions where he has slept longer than that, but those have been far and few between. I believe he is teething which equal some sleepless nights.

For now, I believe that is all in Liam's world. Each day is such a new and wonderful experience. I seriously cannot imagine life without this little man. He is such a ray of sunshine.

When we first put Liam in his chair, my parents weren't sure if it was going to tip back. So, there suggestion was to put the pillows behind to keep him propped up. They have since figured it out and don't use the pillows. ;) Better to be safe than sorry. BTW, this used to be his favorite toy at my parent's house. Now, he is loving the walker.

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