32 Weeks and Counting

On January 6th, we had our 32rd week Dr.'s apt. This was merely a check-up to make sure that everything is going well with Baby Brown. We are happy to report that both the baby and I are doing well.

It is amazing how the time has flown by during this pregnancy. Even Dr. Clinton started our apt. by commenting on this being our 32nd week and how quickly Baby Brown will be here. I cannot believe that Baby Brown will be here in just eight short weeks if all goes according to plan. I am thankfully crossing things off my checklist and hope to have all items checked by the end of this month. This may be wishful thinking, but I am thinking positive. ;)

At this appointment, Dr. Clinton also clarified for JB where to park when we come to the hospital for delivery. I had to laugh, but know this information reassured JB. So, we can either valet or park in the parking garage across the street depending on the intensity of contractions, labor, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Les! I saw that you had a shower for the baby and am wondering what you might still need that you may have not gotten!! Let us know! ;) XO! Katie
