Thursday evening I started to feel some pain and other symptoms that we thought were early signs of labor. Unfortunately, my book and other resources indicated that this was a false alarm. With that said, we will continue to wait for Brown and it looks like I will be heading to work on Monday. ;)
39 Weeks
Februry 24th was our 39 week visit with a new Dr. that joined the practice. There was no change since last week and Dr. Brenda indicated that I may have dilated one cm. This is really nothing in the grand schemes of things, but I will take it.
The Dr. also indicated that we needed to schedule our 40 week appointment with an ultrasound to check on Brown. She also stated that they would not let us go two weeks pass our due date of March 2nd. This was different from what we originally discussed with Dr. Clinton. Needless to say we are anxious to meet with Dr. Clinton next week.
I was hoping that this weekend Brown would arrive, but that is not the case thus far. So, we shall see what the first week of March brings us. Stay tuned.
They Got Me
February 3rd was a busy day. Not only did we have our Dr.'s apt, but I was also starting to train my temp. for when I go on maternity leave. Then I found out that we were having our departmental meeting that afternoon.
At two o'clock I started to head down for the meeting. I ran into Erika who was trying to sneak in a smoke break before, but I convinced her that there was not enough time. So, we headed downstairs for the big meeting. As soon as we approached the conference room door I noticed that the decorations and people inside. SURPRISE!!! This was not a meeting, but a baby shower. How did they pull this off without me knowing?
This was no ordinary work shower. Erika, Emma and Catherine spoiled Baby Brown. They had cake, fruit, cupcakes (made by Janet), cheese and crackers. They also had shower favors filled with M&M's and Skittles candy. I was in awe and truly surprised as they told me to take a seat.
My co-workers were very generous and picked up the remaining items that I had on my "to do list" and much more. You could tell that an experienced Mom shopped for the shower because honestly a new mom might not have thought of some of these items yet. For example, a stroller protector for the wind and rain.
As I opened each gift I sat there in amazement. I am just so touched and honored that people would think enough of me and Baby Brown to do all of this.
Thank you girls for a great Wednesday surprise!!!
At two o'clock I started to head down for the meeting. I ran into Erika who was trying to sneak in a smoke break before, but I convinced her that there was not enough time. So, we headed downstairs for the big meeting. As soon as we approached the conference room door I noticed that the decorations and people inside. SURPRISE!!! This was not a meeting, but a baby shower. How did they pull this off without me knowing?
This was no ordinary work shower. Erika, Emma and Catherine spoiled Baby Brown. They had cake, fruit, cupcakes (made by Janet), cheese and crackers. They also had shower favors filled with M&M's and Skittles candy. I was in awe and truly surprised as they told me to take a seat.
My co-workers were very generous and picked up the remaining items that I had on my "to do list" and much more. You could tell that an experienced Mom shopped for the shower because honestly a new mom might not have thought of some of these items yet. For example, a stroller protector for the wind and rain.
As I opened each gift I sat there in amazement. I am just so touched and honored that people would think enough of me and Baby Brown to do all of this.
Thank you girls for a great Wednesday surprise!!!
38 Weeks
February 17th was our 38th week appointment. There were a couple of changes that I noticed over the past week. One, I felt this line of hardness and discomfort around my belly button. This is also where I have a scar from my gall bladder being removed. I was not sure what was causing this feeling and JB thought we needed to call Dr. Clinton. I looked the symptoms up in my book while he called his sister who is a nurse for confirmation that we did not need to worry.
The discomfort did go away and when we inquired about this during our Dr.'s apt. we were informed that this was just the stretching of the ligaments. I also felt that Brown did drop some, which again Dr. Clinton confirmed that he moved down. No signs of being dilated at this apt. So, our next visit will discuss the options available (inducing or c-section) if there is no further development.
I have to admit this is somewhat scary to me. I really would like to have him naturally, but what if he is too big? I tried to block this out and told myself that we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Sometimes the size of the baby is not right. However, the stories I have heard where the Dr. indicates the baby is small, he/she is usually bigger than originally projected. With that said we shall see.
The discomfort did go away and when we inquired about this during our Dr.'s apt. we were informed that this was just the stretching of the ligaments. I also felt that Brown did drop some, which again Dr. Clinton confirmed that he moved down. No signs of being dilated at this apt. So, our next visit will discuss the options available (inducing or c-section) if there is no further development.
I have to admit this is somewhat scary to me. I really would like to have him naturally, but what if he is too big? I tried to block this out and told myself that we will cross that bridge when we come to it. Sometimes the size of the baby is not right. However, the stories I have heard where the Dr. indicates the baby is small, he/she is usually bigger than originally projected. With that said we shall see.
37 Weeks
February 10th = 37 weeks and counting. Our weekly visit with Dr. Clinton was the same as before, but much quicker. Still no sign of Baby Brown coming early.
36 Weeks
February 3rd marked 36 weeks. I cannot believe that we only have four more weeks to go. Well, that is if Baby Brown stays on schedule to arrive March 2nd. We now have our weekly appointments with Dr. Clinton until Brown arrives. We have also discussed with her our birthing plan as well as other labor questions. So far everything is on schedule.
We will continue to keep you posted with each visit.
We will continue to keep you posted with each visit.
Chicago Baby Shower
Yes, you read this correctly. JB and I drove back Saturday night from Elkhart so that we were home in time for the Chicago Baby shower on Sunday. Lucky for us my parents were coming into town on Sunday as well, so we were able to put a majority of the gifts in their car. This way when we arrived back home on Saturday evening we would not have to make more than one trip up the three flights of stairs. Oh, the beauty of a garage.
The Chicago shower was hosted by dear friends Joy, Penelope and Robin. Joy graciously opened her home for the shower, which worked out perfectly. What a great shower this was with fantastic food and conversation. It was a great mix of SMC college and Chicago friends. I was extremely touched that so many of the girls were able to make the shower since a majority of them live out of town.
Joy, Penelope and Robin out did themselves with the food. Joy made a number of dips including her famous taco dip that was a big hit. The food table was over flowing with salad, fruit, dips, chicken salad and the list goes on. There was so much to chose from - which was great for a pregnant lady. ;)
As people chatted and munched away, Penelope informed the group that we were not going to be playing any games. Honestly, I was shocked. Penelope loves any type of game and I was surprised she wasn't going to try and sneak one in. Thankfully, Robin indirectly hinted that not many people like shower games and we should skip them. This would have worked if it wasn't for the fact that Erika found out there were no games and made a comment to Penelope. Those of you that know Penelope, know that she only needs one positive comment and she is off and running. Next thing I know there was talk about let's see who can guess how big Leslie is. Oh, my not something I was too keen on and thankfully this did not take place. Instead we played a short game where the girls had to guess the nursery theme, colors, etc.
As I was about to open gifts, Mrs. Kistka informed us of an old wives tale involving the seventh opened gift. Apparently, the owner/giver of the seventh gift would be the next one to have a baby. When Robin handed me the seventh gift I knew instantly by the handwriting that it was from Sharis. Immediately, the group wanted to know who it was while secretly hoping it was not them. I made the big announcement that Sharis was the seventh gift. However, we found out that Robin made sure that her gift was one of the top five given. According to Mrs. Kistka this was considering tampering and she might be the next one. So, we shall see who is the next to reveal she is pregnant. ;)
JB and I greatly appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone. We received so many adorable clothes, bedding and practical items such as the diaper genie, swing, pack-n-play and the list continues. We are truly blessed to have each of you in our lives.
Thank you to all for making the trip to Chicago and for making this such a wonderful shower. We greatly appreciate your love and support. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Joy, Penelope and Robin for all of their hard work behind the scenes to make this a success and memorable.
One last thing, I hope this post encourages Penelope to send pics my way. I didn't have my camera with me, hence the lack of pictures. Thanks Sims. ;)
The Chicago shower was hosted by dear friends Joy, Penelope and Robin. Joy graciously opened her home for the shower, which worked out perfectly. What a great shower this was with fantastic food and conversation. It was a great mix of SMC college and Chicago friends. I was extremely touched that so many of the girls were able to make the shower since a majority of them live out of town.
Joy, Penelope and Robin out did themselves with the food. Joy made a number of dips including her famous taco dip that was a big hit. The food table was over flowing with salad, fruit, dips, chicken salad and the list goes on. There was so much to chose from - which was great for a pregnant lady. ;)
As people chatted and munched away, Penelope informed the group that we were not going to be playing any games. Honestly, I was shocked. Penelope loves any type of game and I was surprised she wasn't going to try and sneak one in. Thankfully, Robin indirectly hinted that not many people like shower games and we should skip them. This would have worked if it wasn't for the fact that Erika found out there were no games and made a comment to Penelope. Those of you that know Penelope, know that she only needs one positive comment and she is off and running. Next thing I know there was talk about let's see who can guess how big Leslie is. Oh, my not something I was too keen on and thankfully this did not take place. Instead we played a short game where the girls had to guess the nursery theme, colors, etc.
As I was about to open gifts, Mrs. Kistka informed us of an old wives tale involving the seventh opened gift. Apparently, the owner/giver of the seventh gift would be the next one to have a baby. When Robin handed me the seventh gift I knew instantly by the handwriting that it was from Sharis. Immediately, the group wanted to know who it was while secretly hoping it was not them. I made the big announcement that Sharis was the seventh gift. However, we found out that Robin made sure that her gift was one of the top five given. According to Mrs. Kistka this was considering tampering and she might be the next one. So, we shall see who is the next to reveal she is pregnant. ;)
JB and I greatly appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone. We received so many adorable clothes, bedding and practical items such as the diaper genie, swing, pack-n-play and the list continues. We are truly blessed to have each of you in our lives.
Thank you to all for making the trip to Chicago and for making this such a wonderful shower. We greatly appreciate your love and support. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Joy, Penelope and Robin for all of their hard work behind the scenes to make this a success and memorable.
One last thing, I hope this post encourages Penelope to send pics my way. I didn't have my camera with me, hence the lack of pictures. Thanks Sims. ;)
Indiana Baby Shower
We were in Indiana on January 30th for our first Baby Shower. What an amazing time this was to see family and friends both near and far.
Erica and Sarah, two of my dear friends from high school hosted the shower for Baby Brown at my parent's house. The girls thought of everything. The invitations were adorable and set the tone for the shower. The same color theme was also used on the delicious cake and cupcakes. In fact, my nephew Carson was all about this table. He even said to me as clear as day, "I think I need a little bite of that cake" as he pointed with his little finger and a big smile.
I had to laugh. Of course he wasn't happy that he had to wait for the guest to arrive.
Once everyone started to arrive the shower was in full swing. We started with everyone introducing themselves and revealing the book they brought to create Baby Brown's library. I loved this part of the shower. Brown received so many books and we have a great start on his library thus far.
Typically, I am not a fan of shower games, but the girls had a few that they wanted to play or may be that was just Erica ;). The first game was guess the celebrity parents of the baby. Of course Shiloh and Harlow made the list, but who knows the parents of Moxie Crimefighter? I had no idea and my cousin Kelsey guessed Little Wayne and Paris Hilton. Boy was she wrong. Jennifer won the game with 12 out of 20 correct. People and US magazine did not help anyone with this game.
The second game we played was "The Price is Right." The girls had ten items that were up for bid. The object of the game was to write down your bid and then Erica would reveal the actual price of the item. Whomever had the total bid close to the actual price without going over won. It was hilarious as my mom and aunts asked where the items were bought - thinking that would make a different as to what the price was. Aunt Sandee and Aunt Deby I believe tied at this game. Overall, the games were a success.
Sarah and Erica gave Baby Brown his first Piggy Bank at the shower as well. They had everyone put a dollar coin into the bank as they made a
wish for Baby Brown. Again, another cute idea.
We love the bank and JB has been adding his
change into the bank daily. My Mom also made
her first ever diaper cake which turned out
really cute. Great job Mom!
JB and I greatly appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone. We received so many adorable clothes, blankets, bedding, and practical items such as the high chair and stroller with infant car seat. We are truly blessed.
Thank you to all that were able to be there and for making this such a wonderful shower. We greatly appreciate your love and support. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Erica and Sarah for such a great shower. JB and I appreciate all that you did to make this a success and memorable. We appreciate all the time and effort involved. Also to my PARENTS for hosting the event in their home and all the behind the scenes work they did for the grandson.
One last special thank you to Marta. Thank you for driving up for the shower even when your plans were altered. It was great to visit with you and I was so touched that you made the long drive up regardless of the circumstances. We hope the candy helped on your drive back. ;)
Erica and Sarah, two of my dear friends from high school hosted the shower for Baby Brown at my parent's house. The girls thought of everything. The invitations were adorable and set the tone for the shower. The same color theme was also used on the delicious cake and cupcakes. In fact, my nephew Carson was all about this table. He even said to me as clear as day, "I think I need a little bite of that cake" as he pointed with his little finger and a big smile.

Once everyone started to arrive the shower was in full swing. We started with everyone introducing themselves and revealing the book they brought to create Baby Brown's library. I loved this part of the shower. Brown received so many books and we have a great start on his library thus far.
Typically, I am not a fan of shower games, but the girls had a few that they wanted to play or may be that was just Erica ;). The first game was guess the celebrity parents of the baby. Of course Shiloh and Harlow made the list, but who knows the parents of Moxie Crimefighter? I had no idea and my cousin Kelsey guessed Little Wayne and Paris Hilton. Boy was she wrong. Jennifer won the game with 12 out of 20 correct. People and US magazine did not help anyone with this game.
The second game we played was "The Price is Right." The girls had ten items that were up for bid. The object of the game was to write down your bid and then Erica would reveal the actual price of the item. Whomever had the total bid close to the actual price without going over won. It was hilarious as my mom and aunts asked where the items were bought - thinking that would make a different as to what the price was. Aunt Sandee and Aunt Deby I believe tied at this game. Overall, the games were a success.
Sarah and Erica gave Baby Brown his first Piggy Bank at the shower as well. They had everyone put a dollar coin into the bank as they made a

wish for Baby Brown. Again, another cute idea.
We love the bank and JB has been adding his
change into the bank daily. My Mom also made
her first ever diaper cake which turned out
really cute. Great job Mom!
JB and I greatly appreciate the generosity and thoughtfulness of everyone. We received so many adorable clothes, blankets, bedding, and practical items such as the high chair and stroller with infant car seat. We are truly blessed.
Thank you to all that were able to be there and for making this such a wonderful shower. We greatly appreciate your love and support. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Erica and Sarah for such a great shower. JB and I appreciate all that you did to make this a success and memorable. We appreciate all the time and effort involved. Also to my PARENTS for hosting the event in their home and all the behind the scenes work they did for the grandson.
One last special thank you to Marta. Thank you for driving up for the shower even when your plans were altered. It was great to visit with you and I was so touched that you made the long drive up regardless of the circumstances. We hope the candy helped on your drive back. ;)
34 Week Visit
On January 20th we were at 34 weeks. Wow, only six more weeks until Baby Brown arrives. We also had an ultrasound at this visit in order to see how Brown is progressing.
Unfortunately, I was having a terrible time during the ultrasound. I started getting hot flashes and felt sick to my stomach. What made it worse was that I had on a huge turtleneck sweater that just seemed to be engulfing me. I really wanted to just jump off the table. However, I made it through the ultrasound and received great news from the Tech that everything is okay. Once she left the room I told JB how sick I felt. He then asked the nurse if this was common or if we should be alarmed. She informed us that with Brown getting bigger and trying to move around this would be common. I had not felt like this before and thankfully it only lasted for a short time.
We saw Dr. Clinton shortly after and she informed us that Brown was already at seven pounds. Okay, not bad I thought to myself. She then continued to tell us that he will gain a 1/2 pound (on the average) per week. Thus, if I go to my due date of March 2nd, he will most likely be a nine pound baby or more. NINE POUNDS is not the same as seven. Dr. Clinton told me not to worry. I thought about my cousin Liz who had Oliver in November (a ten pound baby) and thought if she could do it, then I most certainly could. I am not going to worry about it right now.
So, we shall see what happens at the February 3rd visit. ;)
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